Night at the Museum 3 Secret of the Tomb | Teen Ink

Night at the Museum 3 Secret of the Tomb

January 9, 2015
By sarahtaylor BRONZE, Newberry, Florida
sarahtaylor BRONZE, Newberry, Florida
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Night at the Museum 3 Secret of the Tomb, is full of laughter, suspicion and history. With Ben Stiller as the star, it adds humor, especially with him also playing the new character Laaa. It is also nice to see that he is back again playing Larry. Rebel Wilson added a whole new effect for the movie, she added even more humor, Rebel was a great addition. Seeing Robin Williams in one of his last films as Teddy Roosevelt once again gave the movie some emotion because of his recent passing. Getting to know Dick Van Dykes back round of his movie character added suspicion to what he knew about the tablet. All the new and old characters in this film did a fantastic job.


The plot of the film was positive and pleasant. The plot created an atmosphere of humor and puts you on the edge of your seat. In the film, it teaches and shows the lesson of how valuable friendship is and what people do for friendship. Through a series of events in the movie one of the characters understands that people don't want items out of selfishness but to help keep their friendship strong. In the film, it teaches and shows the lesson of how valuable friendship is and what people do for friendship. Through a series of events in the movie one of the characters understands that people do not want items out of selfishness but to help keep their friendship strong. Larry also goes through a struggle. He doesn't want to believe that his son is growing up, but ends up facing it at the end of the movie. He realizes he needs to treat him like an adult. I enjoyed how this film added learning lessons to a few characters.

In the beginning of the movie, Larry finds out that the tablet has something wrong with it because of a disaster at the museums new night banquet. He quickly finds a solution but runs into some mishaps along the way. After getting permission to go into London's museum, Larry and his son Nikki take a few of America's museum characters on an adventure. The characters run into a new character named Sir Lancelot who is dressed in fine silver armor and fancies the tablet. Along the way they finally find Ahkmenrah's parents whom contain all the secrets to the tablet. Even Jedediah and Octavius also find theirselves in a pickle. This journey leads to running from dinosaurs, following a monkey, fighting a snake, controlling lions, and much more thrilling events! At the end of the film, the old characters realize it is time for them to go home and stay as their was selves. They believe that they have had planets more fun than they could ever imagine.


The costuming in the movie was realistic and looked like actual work clothes. Larry with his blue work suit carried his handy dandy flashlight and his night guard badge. Laaa's costume was brown and black and added more humor to the movie especially with his raggedy dreaded hair. Tilly (Rebel), the London night guard, wore blue work suit also, but with a skirt and it created a sophisticated look for her. Teddy Roosevelt wore the same tan suit with his medals on keeping him looking like a president. The costumes were superb! Marlene Stewart did an amazing job designing the costumes.

This film is great for families, adults, teenagers, and kids. The movie does not bore the audience and keeps you laughing. The film is full of action and adventure. Shawn Levy did a stupendous job directing Night at the Museum 3. The 3rd film was the best out of all the Night at the Museums. The other films were interesting but lost the audience in some parts. However the third film does not loose the audiences attention and keeps the audience laughing even during the most serious times. Although this movie was fantastic and hilarious, you do not learn much from it. The one thing to take away with you from this movie is true friendship, how Larry shows it by finding the tablet to save his friends lives. This was an excellent film to start of winter break.

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