300 | Teen Ink


May 7, 2014
By Anonymous

Since I am a huge fan of Greek and Roman History, I know that this movie was going to be one for the books. The director provides his audience with numerous twists and turns that will leave you on the end of your seat the entire movie. The movie starts off slow with messengers trying to make peace with King Leonidus(Gerard Butler). He is a great leader who is courageous and wont back down. In the Spartan Culture, they will never surrender or retreat which is very smart since their soldiers have been trained since they were little kids and this is basically the only thing they know. King Leonidus goes against the council’s rules and takes three hundred men to an position where they can successfully hold off Xerxe’s Persian army. Xerxe’s army has thousands of men from different countries that he controls. He is on his way to enslave all of the greeks. The way the director shows the soldiers makes them look like nothing can stop them. The confidence they have when it comes to fighting is very suprising because they know how big the difference is between the two armies. The army knows they are most likely going to die in battle but it does not phase them because surrendering is not an option which is a brave act. While the army is battling, the Queen is trying to convince the council to send the rest of the army to reinforce the 300 that went to fight. Overall I thought this movie was great and I would reccomend this movie to anyone who likes action movies

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