Back to the Future | Teen Ink

Back to the Future

April 11, 2014
By Tristen Pioche BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
Tristen Pioche BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The Back to the Future movie review by Nicole Tsin has everything explaining why Back to the Future is such a great movie. When Nicole Tsin wrote, "Imagine yourself being chased by menacing, armed men in an electrically powered car. When you reach 88 miles per hour, there are flashes of lightening," made me feel like I was in the movie. But, there is just one key thing in the story that is missing in the this movie review, the reason why Marty McFly (Michael J. Fox)must go Back to the Future. The main reason why Marty McFly must go back to the the future is to save his friend the mad scientist Doc (Christopher Lloyd) from being killed. This film is a classic. It has every element of an 80's movie should have: teenagers in distress, parents who don't understand, and of course, big hair and gnarly clothes.

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