Stuck In Love | Teen Ink

Stuck In Love

April 11, 2014
By RachelBurkland BRONZE, Glendale, Arizona
RachelBurkland BRONZE, Glendale, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In Love With The Thought Of Being In Love

Love is something that can happen between basically anything whether it is a human and another human or a human and a dog. Love is something that everybody wants to get the chance to feel. Movies play a big part in our society today and many of them are under the genre of drama/romance. Movies that have to do with love always leave the viewer feeling sad or happy. They would be sad because they want to be able to live the life of a teenage girl figuring out that her dream boy has just fallen in love with her, but them some people who watch them could feel happy after watching a romance because maybe they have what the characters have and are content with their love life. Stuck In Love is not your typical drama/romance movie; however, it does have some of your typical cliché moments, other than those few it will have you falling for every character.

Stuck In Love can be a movie for anybody but is more for teenagers and young adults. That age group is at the stage where they have fallen in and out of love plenty of times. Some still might not have even experienced it yet which makes them like movies loaded with sappy love and drama filled relationships. Viewers of this movie will want to have a love story like all of the characters. After the spectators are done watching, next thing you know they will be branching out of the nest and finally have the guts to talk to their crush.

Classic drama/romances do not even compare to Stuck In Love. Other movies that have to do with love and drama always have an ending that you would expect and you can predict the entire thing. With Stuck In Love there are multiple plot twists and not everything necessarily gets resolved which causes you to think about what could have happened or what you wanted to happen. It starts off with the main boy falling in love with a classmate that has a secret nobody would suspect from her. Then throughout the entire movie the main girl is trying to overcome her fear of falling in love. Lastly, the parents realize after a couple years of being divorced that their love is too strong to not be together. Not only do those three things occur during the movie, but much more drama between the family members.

Movies such as this one are so popular because everyone wants to feel loved at some point in their life and these love stories give them hope that they will be loved by someone who makes them feel like nobody else can. Stuck In Love is an extraordinary movie that everyone should watch. It tells a fantastic story about not being afraid to be yourself and that love does exist. After watching this movie every person will be curious to know when their fairy tale love is coming.

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