It's a Wonderful Life | Teen Ink

It's a Wonderful Life

February 22, 2014
By TMV8991 BRONZE, Littleton, Colorado
TMV8991 BRONZE, Littleton, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It’s a Wonderful Life is a heart touching film about George Bailey, a well-meaning middle class man in the town of Bedford Falls, New York. George always dreamed of traveling the world, but the tragic death of his father, as well as the nightmare we often call life, prevented him living out his fantasy. With the burden of his father’s Building and Loan hanging on his back, George begins to encounter more setbacks than triumphs, causing him to lose faith in everything and everyone. Surrounded by an adoring family and praising friends George fails to see how incredibly valuable his existence is to all those who he has touched with his kind words or helping hands. At a time when there seems to be no way out from the misery, a blessing in disguise by the name of Clarence shows George how truly wonderful his life is.

This 1946 Christmas classic is anything but forgettable. Directed by Frank Capra, It’s a Wonderful Life is one of the most well known movies of the century, and for good reason. Climbing to the top of the most well-loved movies of all time as well as winning six major American film awards was just the start of the laundry-list of the film’s achievements.

Although most teens today would be deterred by the time and style of this film, the prospect of stunning cinematography and intriguing plot twists drew me in. Events such as the high school dance and timid romance between George and Mary allowed me to relate to a time before my own. I loved that fact that the future George craved as an adolescent was the alternate reality he couldn’t escape as an adult. As in any great film there are areas of downtime in which it is possible to lose sight of the purpose of the movie, but it always seemed it find a way back to the point.
All who dare to endure this emotional rollercoaster of a film will be greatly rewarded with an everlasting feeling of emotional satisfaction and a valuable life lesson; you affect everyone with your actions, words, and presence. Without a doubt, It’s a Wonderful life is inspirational, and shows us how far a little compassion can go.

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This article has 1 comment.

LunaGlows said...
on Mar. 17 2014 at 2:01 pm
LunaGlows, Lake Worth, Florida
0 articles 49 photos 3 comments
I'm so glad modern audiences still see the value of this film. The great thing about films is that they last forever, especially this wonderful story. It shows us the impacts we have on other people, and how it could end up if that one impactful person didn't exist at all and the disorder it creates in others lives. I'm glad you enjoyed this movie and hope you continue to.