Fargo | Teen Ink


February 20, 2014
By Maggie0neill BRONZE, Littleton, Colorado
Maggie0neill BRONZE, Littleton, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Just do it.

Fargo is unlike most movies out there. Based in winter in Minnisota main character (Jerry Lundegaard) is a car sales person trying to get more money. He gets himself into bad financial problems and tries to get himself out by embezzling money from the car sales place. He sets up a plan with two men for them to kidnap his wife so his wealthy father-in-law will play a large ransom for her. A police women from Brainerd persues this case with extreme determination. From there, there is problem after problem after problem. The directors (Joel and Ethan Coen) continuously keep you engaged by keeping the events moving. The Coen's, from the start, give us interesting characters. From a extremely determi,ned pregnant police women, to a almost mute killer. We are also thrown line after line of witty remarks that, without the right background knowledge are just confusing. This movie keeps you on your feet and keeps you entertained throughout the movie. Its not an easy movie to forget or ignore.

The author's comments:
I only watched this movie because my dad thought it was a basic movie everyone had to see. I honestly didn't like the idea of it as first. It seemed boring. After watching it though it really was good and entertaining.

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