Radio | Teen Ink


October 6, 2008
By Coolcat BRONZE, Aurora, Illinois
Coolcat BRONZE, Aurora, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

** Spoilers included! **

Have you ever wished you could watch a misty-eyed yet realistic movie that leaves you touched? Rating an easy five stars, Radio is a great heart-warming movie about a mentally challenged person named Radio (Cuba Gooding, Jr.), named for his love of dismantling and listening to radio. He portrays a kind, beloved person who welcomes everyone, no matter how they had treated him. In this movie, Radio spends his days pushing cart down the street, talking to himself. Radio can barely speak, but he still accepts and changes the way people look at each other. Coach Jones(Ed Harris) sees Radio being harassed, and reaches out to him. Radio then begins watching football practices and trusting people more and more. This encourages Radio to start school as an honorary eleventh-grader, where he learns to communicate and play football. This PG-rated 109 minute film has flowing dialogue and astonishing turns like when Radio is considered a distraction to the team, and may be kicked off the team. Radio is a beautifully compelling movie that can truly change your view of others


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