Enders Game | Teen Ink

Enders Game

November 21, 2013
By Tyler Look BRONZE, Kamuela, Hawaii
Tyler Look BRONZE, Kamuela, Hawaii
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Enders Game Book Review

In our English class, we read the first book in the series, Enders Game. It was a Science Fiction kind of movie, that I really enjoyed. There was a Formics (the aliens) on earth before, and they predicted in another 50 years they would come back. So they started to monitor kids to see which on would be the perfect commander to chose.

The movie took place when Ender was in school on Earth, play a spaceship simulation and the Two head people of the battle school were observing him. They observe him Ender was quickly weaving in-between rocks and dodging asteroids being chased by his class bully, Stilson. The match ends when Ender smashes Stilsons ship in between two asteroids. Stilson then accuses him of cheating, and he wants a rematch. But Ender, being the humble person he is, just says good game and walks away going to his next class. That made the head people of the battle school impressed, and they wanted to take Ender to battle school.

Ender then went back to class, and had to take his tracker taken out which means that the people can not monitor him anymore. When class ends, he is taken by Stilson and his friends to go and fight in the Science class. Ender is able to win by hitting Stilson on the head with an arm of the Formics. When he is on the ground, he repeaditely hits him to prevent future fights with him. When he is taken home, the head of the battle school comes and asks if we wanted to take part in the program. After being in many different teams, he finally gets his own to command. Their score is flawless, even if the odds are against them. So after battle school, the next step is commanding school. There, Ender has his whole team with him and they battle against a Formic simulation. But little did they know, that all of the battles that they were playing were actually real. Not only that, but at the very end, the Formics had hundreds of thousands of ships against theirs. So Enders master plan was to blow up the planet so that the queens couldn’t control the Formics and so when the queens die, all of the Formics die.
Ender didn’t know that it was real, so when it ended he was filled with sorrow that he did such a thing. He also had a dream that there was one queen Formic left and there was a cacoon of a Formic egg. So he took it as his mission to take the egg and to start up the formics race again.

One thing that was missing from the movie that was in the book was the whole part about Demosthenes and Locke. Although I didn’t mind that it was a very important part in the book.

Another difference from the book compared to the movie was that in the book when they were in battle school, they talked in different slangs . They used words that they made up, and words that were very silly.

Another difference that was important from the book to the movie, was that during the book it started off as Ender being a small child. The book started off with him being about 13-14 years old. But through out the book, he was growing up and he joined the battle school when he was 5 years old. Also, there was a difference in the length of battle school in the book and in the movie. In the book, Ender was in battle school for a really long time. But in the movie, the process took a matter of about 6 months for battle school.

The last important difference that I saw was the endings of the book. In the book, Ender takes Valentine with him to go and find the last Formic queen egg, and takes it to another planet so that their race could thrive once again. But in the movie, Ender goes by himself to go and get the egg, and the movie ends with Ender lingering away in space taking the last Formic egg to go and find a planet for it.

I think that the book had a good message. I thought that the theme was to keep your promises. Mostly because in the movie, he promised to take the Formic queens egg to a different planet so that their race could be populated again. I also think that a big part of the story and the theme, was that, “It’s not about winning, it’s about how you win.”
Ender said this when he won the final war against the Formics. It was also a very emotional part for him, and I thought that it had a deep meaning.
These are what I thought was the most important difference between the book and the movie, and what I thought the theme was. It has lots of action, and I think that it was a deep meaning. . I would recommend this movie to anybody who likes Sci-Fi movies

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