300 | Teen Ink

300 MAG

By Anonymous

     This is an epic movie filled with war and gore. The plot is simple and the acting powerful, but what makes this movie worth watching are the war scenes. “300” has some fantasy elements, but because the plot is based on real events (the Battle of Thermopylae), it has historic value. “300” will attract many movie lovers, particularly those who appreciate films for their artistic and historic appeal. This is a must-see film.

The plot is basic: 300 well-trained Spartan warriors are led by their king, Leonidas (Gerard Butler) against Xerxes (Rodrigo Santoro) and his 100,000 Persian soldiers. As you might guess, the Spartans lose, but they give the Persians a tough fight. The Spartans, in fact, are able to kill 20,000 Persians before being annihilated.

The battle scenes are excellent and demonstrate how the few Spartans could actually stop the Persians’ advance using special tactics to drive them back. The film shows many historic facts of the battles in an interesting way.

“300” has an artistic appeal. The movie is actually based on a graphic novel, and the filmmakers decided to combine real actors with virtual backgrounds to make it appear like one. Not only is the look of the movie unique, but its effects are beautiful. In the detailed battle scenes, the spears that pierce the warriors are both horrible and realistic. The overall sense of doom for these brave Spartan warriors is lost in their display of incredible bravery and devotion to their cause.

If you want to see an action-packed movie, “300” fits the bill.

This movie is rated R.


This article has 2 comments.

i love this so much!

on Jan. 27 2009 at 3:06 am
I liked the movie too, but I'd like to point out that there is very little historic significance in it.