Cars | Teen Ink


April 29, 2024
By oknaus BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
oknaus BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

When first hearing about cars—it does not seem to be the best movie. The biggest question I had was how would I stay entertained with a movie that is only about cars. 

In Pixar’s Cars, a young racer by the name of Lighting McQueen is on his way to an important racing event when he stops in a town called Radiator Springs. Radiator Springs needs some much-needed improvement and when McQueen decided to help out he realized that there is more to life than just winning. 

From the first time I watched it to every time after, Pixar's “Cars” continues to get better.

, Pixar did an amazing job. The storytelling and animation are stellar.

John Lasseter, the director, made sure that every tiny detail was perfect. Each car in the movie has its own unique character and personality and the movie also has the perfect blend of characters. 

Throughout the story, the main character, Lightning McQueen, develops in a way that makes you genuinely care for him; he realizes the importance of friendship There is no need to be a racing fan or even have knowledge of cars to love this movie with the delivery of this theme.

The greatest part of this movie is the attention to detail in the animation. The views of the mountains and the scenery around the entire movie feel as if you are a part of it seeing it live. The shading and even the sun's reflection off the cars are truly astonishing. There are even little cracks in the road and sidewalks that make it feel entirely like real life.

When first hearing about this movie I was skeptical, but the storytelling and beautiful attention to detail make this movie a must-watch. It makes you realize that there is more to life and that you should slow down and appreciate the little things along the journey.

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