Wall-E | Teen Ink


February 27, 2024
By GunnarM SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
GunnarM SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

 According to Quora.com the average word count for a movie is 20,000 - 30,000 while the movie Wall-E has 862 words of spoken dialogue. The first 20 minutes of Wall-E has zero spoken dialogue. Instead Wall-E uses lots of movements and squeaky sounds to get his point across, which he does really well.  Just like the old Charlie Chaplin movies, Wall-E proves that actions are louder than words. In my opinion, Wall-E is one of the best movies of my childhood. I really like Wall-E because of the amount of awesome characters like Wall-E himself as well as EVE. The amount of great characters in this movie is crazy. There are a number of this I really like about Wall-E like its action-packed senses, how realistic the movie is, as well as how emotional it is. 

Wall-E is 98 minutes in running time and every single minute is packed with action. Even when Wall-E is doing a “boring job,” he is always doing something important. Wall-E is the last of his kind because he is the only one that learned how to repair himself and that is what has helped him live as long as he has. One of my favorite starting scenes is when the rocket ship crashes down. Wall-E has a hilarious reaction and I laugh every time. The suspense of what will happen is amazing. I also really like how on-edge EVE is. Half of the time she is blowing things up. As well as every now and then the characters are getting into danger. They somehow always find a way to escape and get out of it though. Everything about this movie is awesome because it could happen and isn't completely out of the realm of possibility. Wall-E is fill with action and some of the action is realistic. 

Wall-E is super realistic for being a fictional children's movie; the main problem that has happened on earth could happen on our earth too. Earth is covered in trash and Wall-E has spent his entire life trying to clean it. With the way we are just throwing trash on the streets this could happen to us too if we aren't careful. The movie also has some pretty realistic evolution in humans. Like how at the beginning they were walking and they kept getting more and more lazy until they can’t walk. They also got visibly fatter in the end compared to the beginning. When EVE meets Wall-E they aren't just best friends at the start. Wall-E spends the entire movie earning EVE’s respect, through all of their adventures and they both save each other at least once. Wall-E is also just as emotional as it is real.

Wall-E is really emotional. The emotion is what add the extra punch on the action. At the beginning of the movie, Wall-E is watching another movie about love. He is realizing that he wants love. When EVE crashes down on earth that is the first thing that he is thinking about. He is thinking about how much he loves her. Even when EVE isn’t showing any signs of loving him back he doesn't ever stop loving her. Near the end of the movie, EVE finally realizes how much she loves and cares for Wall-E. Even some of the humans find love on the ship as well. With how much love there is there is also a little bit of heartbreak. Near the end, Wall-E gets really badly hurt and looks like he might die. Also near the end, the humans realize that the whole ship is corrupt and they do their best to save it. Wall-E is really emotional and that is one of the defining aspacts of it.

In conclusion, the roller coaster of a movie Wall-E is just keeps the viewer on the edge of their seat because every sense is action packed. Wall-E is a really amazing movie even though it only has 862 words witch is really unexpected. Wall-E is surprising the viewer left and right because what the viewer thinks will happen a completely other thing happens. Wall-E has lots of action, is super realistic, and is reall emotional. I highly recommend the movie Wall-E. Wall-E really proves that actions are the loudest words.

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