Why A League Of Their Own Is A Great Movie | Teen Ink

Why A League Of Their Own Is A Great Movie

February 24, 2022
By Anonymous

When my sister and I were little one of our absolute favorite movies was A league of their own. I have lots of memories of staying up all night watching it with her and my dad. It's still one of my favorite movies to this day. A-League of Their Own directed by Penny Marshall is a movie from the ’90s starring Tom Hanks, Geena Davis, and Lori Petty. The movie takes place in the 1940s-50s. When the men have to go to a war nobody is there to play in the MLB. So, they started a women's baseball league.

The women on the team started to realize it was all a joke and were very unhappy that nobody took them seriously, because they assumed since they were female they wouldn't be as good as the men's league. They only made the teams as a joke to entertain the soldiers and America struggling with the war.

The best part of the movie is the climax or turning point when everything changed and got pulled together when the women realized what was going on and worked together and harder to fix it throughout the movie. I think that this is a good reflection of how things have evolved today. For example, We have softball, Women's ball is taken more seriously and more common, and the pay is much higher.

In conclusion, I think this is a great movie because they made it very believable that it was in the 50s. They had clothes, cars, and added in things people would say then. Another good thing is it shows lots of women empowerment and hard-working role models. Like the men that went to war and The women that worked hard and chased their dreams. It's a good representation of how far America has come. Men aren't forced to go to war, Women have the option to enlist in the military, Women's sports are taken more seriously. I think this is a great movie for anybody who likes baseball or softball and old movies.

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