Avengers Infinity War | Teen Ink

Avengers Infinity War

October 5, 2018
By carterfenske04 BRONZE, Neosho, Missouri
carterfenske04 BRONZE, Neosho, Missouri
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Suffer now and live the rest of your life a Champion"

Muhammad Ali

 ******SPOILER ALERT*****


Avengers Infinity War was a great movie. But the storyline was VERY hard to follow if you don't watch all the movies. At the start of the movie the Avengers are split up (watch Captain America 3 to find out why) but an unlikely turn of events happen and Tony Stark meets up with another “hero” in Doctor Stephen Strange. They have a mini-fight with a couple allies including Spiderman and Wong. They end up losing the battle to people that are in relation to the main villain and most powerful person in the world, Thanos. Tony (Iron Man) is in desperate need to help him save the world from Thanos. He finds Cap. America and War Machine. In Cap. America 3 they were feuding but now this is not about them so they feel that they need to save the world once and for all. So he scrambles up a ton of heroes including Black Panther, The Guardians of the Galaxy and many more to find the other Infinity stones because those infinity stones are the most powerful thing in the world.

A while later in the movie Thanos Finally finds all of the stones but Spider Man had a plan. He said they would try to take the Gauntlet off of his hand and break the glove (Gauntlet) This just about worked until Star-lord found out that Thanos killed the love of his life Gamora to get the final stone. At this point Doc Strange had Thanos asleep because of his powers. But Star-lord slapped Thanos in the face forcing Thanos to wake. Thanos took the gauntlet back from Spidey and left right then and there.

At the end of the movie they find Thanos again. But it was too late all Thanos had to do was snap his fingers and his mission would be done. Half the Universe's Population would disintegrate and that is just what happened to end the movie. But now the Gauntlet is broken but the stones are not. Be ready for a part 2 when the remaining Avengers try to regain power.

This movies was very well written and very well directed. Although It was hard to understand at times I give in a 9.5/10. Make sure you watch the other Marvel movies before this one though.

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