The Compound by S.A Bodeen | Teen Ink

The Compound by S.A Bodeen

May 23, 2018
By MarieAyingone SILVER, Houston , Texas
MarieAyingone SILVER, Houston , Texas
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The Compound is a science fiction book. It is a really good book with a lot of conflicts. Eli (the main character) and his family entered an Underground Compound that their father built to keep them safe 6 years ago. The reason why they were in the  Compound was because the world they had lived in no longer existed because of s nuclear attack. When Eli’s family entered the compound, two people were left behind. Those two people were the Grand-ma and Eddy; Eddy was Eli’s twin brother. Eli had a pretty rough time getting used to living in the Compound without his leader, best friend and brother. But later on, he adapted a new way of living in the Compound with a daily routine. Throughout the story you will see that Rex( Eli’s dad) is pretty suspicious. It first started when the mom spoke to Eli about a painting in their room. After all,those suspicions were not all false. Rex was a dishonest, mean and a selfish guy. I really enjoyed this book and I advise you to take a look into it.


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