Grasshopper Jungle by Andrew Smith | Teen Ink

Grasshopper Jungle by Andrew Smith

September 22, 2017
By k.samantha.hernandez BRONZE, Arlignton, Texas
k.samantha.hernandez BRONZE, Arlignton, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Grasshopper Jungle is a book full of action,  funny and very specialised for  teenagers to read and understand. This book starts of with something that really caught my eye saying that “humans beings are genetically predisposed to record history” (Smith 8) which really has a lot to do with the book because Austin the main character who is a sixteen year old boy who is very unsure about himself and like to keep track of history.  I liked this book because it is really interesting because it touches many problems almost any teenager might have specially problems like sexual orientation and feeling towards  his best best friend, Robbie Brees and his girlfriend,  Shann Collins. This book later talks about how one robbery caused  the end of the world because of some type of light called  contained MI Plague Strain 412E “Grant his friends were the first victims of contained MI Plague ,  Strain 412E” (Smith 65), which is something that interests many people because of  the action and fiction that is set out there . I also really liked how there is so many things going on at the same moment as I was there with them , and the author giving many details for me to understand better.  The characterization is very strong I really got to understand the characters. The plot structure is very easy to follow but I got a little confused on it having parts and not chapters but overall it is very easy to follow. The theme would be cliche even though I’ve never read a book like this one but the idea of the world ending is not so new.   What I learned from this book is that sometimes things that might happen everyday could cause many things.   Overall this is one of the best books I have read and I would recommend it to anyone who likes funny but still serious books.


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