Rats Saw God by Rob Thomas | Teen Ink

Rats Saw God by Rob Thomas

September 22, 2017
By chris8t_t,or,chris7t_t BRONZE, Arlington, Texas
chris8t_t,or,chris7t_t BRONZE, Arlington, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Rat Saw God is a very interesting book that show how it feels to be born with expectations that are ridiculous high. The book which is viewed by the perspective of  Steve York the main character and you go in a roller coaster of emotions. Mostly your heart being broken and the feeling of uselessness. Steve York had a perfect GPA, a nice group of friends, and a girl he loved, till problem arises and his life breaks to a million shards.“‘I see everything as grey. You see everything in black and white’”(Thomas 173). You get to know this character and others and see how they changed him over time, you see the start of his high schools years to the end. The story starts with Steve failing high school and missing one credit from english to graduate. The school counsellor makes him a deal that if he writes a 100 page essay he will get that one credit he needs. This kicks the story off with a parral storyline which the book switches between the present and the past so the reader will find out what went wrong. This make the plot hard to follow sense you are jumping around and if you're not paying attention you will be lost and not be sure when this is happening. This for me this is a bummer because the story is great you connect with the characters and feel your world crumbing with his.“I sped down I-45 toward Missy’s. I caught a glimpse of myself in the rearview mirror. I looked insane. The dark circles around my eyes aged me by a decade. My skin clammy, and I was shaking. My heart felt like a hummingbird’s”(Thomas 197). I recommend this book for high schoolers and older, its a smart, heart touching book that changes what you think. Not everything has to make sense.

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