Winter White by Jen Colonita | Teen Ink

Winter White by Jen Colonita

September 22, 2017
By Anonymous

My book is titled “Winter White” by Jen Colonita. In my opinion, my book seemed to
really hook me and pull me in. I felt like I was actually in the book following the main character
Isabelle. Isabelle is a very stubborn girl that really never gets her way. Isabelle’s so-called uncle
lied to her for about 15 years. He finally comes out like a real man and tells her that he is her
father. I think the author did extremely well on how she used her words and what she did to yank
the reader into the book. What really worked for me is the drama, especially other people's drama
because it makes you feel determined about what is actually happening. The characterization is
really strong because not everything in the book seems like a stereotype. Everything seems
realistic. I think the plot structure was really easy to follow all though different events happened
that would trail off other events. For example, “I wish Savannah would back off, she left him, not
the other way around!” (Colonita 93) and then that led to “I JUST CAN’T believe Savahnna told
Hayden that because he’ll hate me forever! IT’S NOT EVEN TRUE!” (Colonita 114) Everything
is like railroads splitting into two. I have had a so-called “friend” who did something like that to
a guy I liked because she liked him. Instead of coming up to me and telling me the truth, I guess
she decided to take it into her own hands and end our friendship. It was really childish of her to
do something like that. What I learned from my book is to never misjudge or prejudge someone
because you really don’t know what they are going through. I would recommend this book to
people who really love drama and I wouldn’t recommend this book to people who don’t like
drama because this is mainly what the book is about.


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