The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins | Teen Ink

The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins

September 22, 2017
By Rodriguez8908 BRONZE, Arlington, Texas
Rodriguez8908 BRONZE, Arlington, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I read the first book of  “The Hunger Games”  and I really liked it. I really think that the author wrote this story where it could be understood and it is easy to follow and really vision the way it is being explain. The book gives a lot of details and I think that most people that would read the book would be able to see how everything that is being explain is like. The book is being spoken by one person's point of view and it is from the main character name Katniss. I like that it is from first person point of view because you're able to know all their thought and what they’re doing and it just makes you feel like you're there with them like your living their lives. I would like to also know the other characters point of view and their thoughts.  I would recommend this book to teens and young adults and for people that like drama because this book has some fighting and violence. The quotes that I found from the book that I really liked was ‘“As long as you can find yourself, you’ll never starve’  (Collins 52) because Katniss is name after a plant that is edible and as long as she finds the plant she won’t starve. Other quote that I also liked was ‘“Why don’t you just be yourself?... No one can help but admire your spirit’ (Colins 21) because people love it more when you just be yourself on everything and you don’t have to act like someone you're not. I can connect with this book by being myself and being an independent young girl just like Katniss. Other books that can relate could be the book Percy Jackson because he is an independent strong brave young boy just like Katniss.

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