Eclipse by Stephenie Meyer | Teen Ink

Eclipse by Stephenie Meyer

September 14, 2017
By Yohanna BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
Yohanna BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
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This book continues the love story of Bella Swan and her vampire boyfriend Edward Cullen. In this  unbelievable novel all of Bella’s compromised feelings about Edward and their prohibited love gather together to create a unique and mysterious reading for the readers. Which inspire people to find ways and never give up even if it's almost impossible.

Stephenie Meyer writing style is breathtaking, through all the events and exhilarating situations that can possibly happen to an ordinary girl. Her writing is a unique experience that can be felt by how deep her writing is. It will allow you to view the different parts of a person. And how you have to get to know someone or something before judging it.

Readers of a mystery and fantasy liking will enjoy this book. This book contains many fantasy like things such as the vampire families. And the mysterious ways of how they came to be. This book tells a story of how no matter the differences of people they are equally the same and can work together if they really try.

I recommend this book to everyone. Especially if you are a beginner in reading and want something to get your mind to start thinking and to free yourself of the real world.

The author's comments:

Young students, who enjoys to read and finds it relaxing and calming.

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