Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone | Teen Ink

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone

March 30, 2009
By Will James BRONZE, Hamilton, Virginia
Will James BRONZE, Hamilton, Virginia
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

If you like magic and rocks, then the book for you is Harry Potter And The Sorcerer’s Stone by JK Rowling. Be warned, she uses a lot of large words and some words not appropriate for small children, but that’s not a good reason not to read this book.
Harry Potter thinks he is an ordinary boy who’s parents died in a plane crash. But that all changes when a half giant named Hagrid comes to his aunt and uncle’s house and tells him he is a wizard. Harry is whisked into a world of magic where he meets new friends like Ron Weasly, a clever boy, Hermione Granger, the smartest girl in the wizard world, and Neville Longbottom, a boy who is always losing his toad. Will Harry ever become a great wizard? Will Neville stop losing his toad? Or will Harry get tangled up in a world of dark magic and powerful rocks?
The writing in this book is amazing! Rowling did an excellent job writing the book so it paints a picture in your head. She does a great job of describing every little detail in the book. The book can be a little boring some times, so it is not for people who like books that have nonstop action and adventure. Rowling also does a great job of showing what she means, not just telling. After you read the book, you might have a craving for more about Harry, luckily for you, there are six more books in the series. You can buy this book from your local bookstore or you can check it out from your local library.


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