In the time of the Butterflies | Teen Ink

In the time of the Butterflies

May 1, 2017
By Autumn245 BRONZE, New York, New York
Autumn245 BRONZE, New York, New York
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.

The book " In the time of Butterflies" is a book to describe how three
of four sisters got killed during the Trujillo regime. Patria is described
as a very religious character. Her strong belief in God and the Virgin
Mary. Alvarez develops Patria's character by showing her strong
belief in religion by using figurative language {Such as similes and
Alvarez develops Patria's character by describing her strong belief in
religion. Firstly," My faith stirred it kicked and somersaulted in my belly
coming alive." This technique shows how Alvarez personified Patria's
religion. By saying how it "somersaulted" in her stomach meaning
how Patria lost her religion but quickly regained it. Secondly," I turned
around and saw the packed pews, hundreds of weary upturned
faces as if I'd been facing the wrong way all my life." This technique
proves that patria has noticed after a long time that she has not
been facing the right way when it came to religion. The author's
choice of words reveals that after a lot of doubting herself patria has
finally regained her faith.
Alvarez uses figurative language such as similes and personification
to describe Patria's strong belief in religion. Firstly," No one had to tell
me to believe in God or to love everything that lives. I did it
automatically like a shoot inching its way towards light." This
technique of a simile highlights that patria doesn't need anyone to
tell her to be religious. By using a simile it reveals that the author
includes this simile in order to express patria's deep belief In religion.
Secondly," It came in the dark in the evil hours when the hands wake
with a life of their own." To further explain Alvarez personifies Patria's
desire in religion by showing Patria's desire. To touch her body with
her hands at night. To conclude Alvarez uses similes and
personification in order to emphasize Patria's strong belief in religion
To conclude in the book " In the time of the Butterflies" Alvarez
develops Patria's character by showing her strong belief in religion.
Alvarez uses figurative language to describe Patria's strong belief in

The author's comments:

This piece is a shortessay or bascially a description of the book "In the time of the butterflies. By Julia Alvarez, this is a realistic fiction book


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