Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell | Teen Ink

Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell

April 2, 2017
By Colorfulpegasus292 BRONZE, Gainseville, Florida
Colorfulpegasus292 BRONZE, Gainseville, Florida
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Have you ever just wanted to curl up on your bed with your laptop and ignore everyone and everything in your life? That's how Cather Avery feels all the time. Cather, or Cath for short, is a college freshman who has been a fan girl all her life. She and her twin sister, Wren, have clung on to the Simon Snow fandom ever since their mother abandoned them when they were eight. The twins had been inseparable until Wren announced that she didn't want to be Cath's roommate for college. Now, Cath has to figure out her way around new found independence, suspicious friendships, and fan fiction hating professors. Not to mention, she worries about leaving her unstable, but loving father at home by himself. Is Cath ready to take all of this in? Is she ready to start living her own life?

While some people enjoy to go to parties, others don't. Some pull all nighters with a bunch of friends, while another would rather pull one alone. Sometimes it's difficult for extroverted people to understand their introverted friend. "Fangirl" by Rainbow Rowell addresses the hardships that most introverts go through and expresses how to overcome them through the character Cath.

When Cath first arrived at college, she survived on protein bars and peanut butter just because she didn't want to ask someone where the lunch room was. She left her roommates friend in the hallway because her roommate wasn't there when he wanted to come in their dorm room. She never spoke out loud willingly in class and spent most of her free time in her room, on her laptop. That is until her roommate showed her the lunchroom, Cath became friends with her roommate's friend, she spoke in front of the whole class with her partner, and she started going with her friends to more places. She learned that there was more to life than hiding in her room, writing fan fiction.

Unfortunately, there are many children that are left without one or both of their parents. It's life altering when a mother leaves their child. They usually obsess over questions that will never be answered. For Cath and Wren, it was heartbreaking. Their father and them persevered through it together and came out stronger than ever in the end as a family. So, when certain people read this book, it can trigger painful memories. However, it also gives them hope. It gives them hope that they might actually have the strength to carry on. It gives them hope for a better future, whether or not their parent(s) are in it. It gives them hope that they aren't alone.

"Fangirl" by Rainbow Rowell is an outstanding YA novel that expresses the difficulties of life and how they can be overcome. Many people go through rough situations with family and friends. So, it's easy for a lot of people to relate to the story when Rainbow includes everyday obstacles, broken families, conflict between friends, and getting shoved out of your comfort zone. That's why this is such an amazing book. Many people can read this and feel their own insecurities surface. They can see themselves in the characters and know what it feels like to be in their position. One thing is for sure though. Once you've read this book, your whole view on life, relationships, and forgiveness will change.


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