The Road by Cormac MCcarthy | Teen Ink

The Road by Cormac MCcarthy

May 26, 2016
By Anonymous

I have never been on The Road, but the author, Cormac McCarthy, sure made me feel like I have been. The dad, his wife, and his child are survivors of an apocalypse that has left dark dust in the air everywhere. Rather than continue on, the wife kills herself. Partly for fear, partly for love of his child, the man is unable to make himself quit. The theme of the book is to always keep trying. Never give up! Remember that, while you read the book. This is where the book starts.

The road is located on the West Coast of the USA. The story is about a dad and a boy going down the road. Here is a quote from the book, “He staggered on another half mile or so and finally dropped to his knees and put the boy down in the ashes and leaves.” All of the book is very descriptive just like that quote. They scavenge for food and fight off villains. Cannibalism is everywhere. Every other person is against the small family left alone on the road in the United States of America.

There are only two main characters in the book--Papa and the boy. The majority of the book is written in 3rd person.  The very end of the book is written in the boy’s eyes when something EXTREME happens! I love this point of view change in the book. The point of view change gives you a good perspective of the characters.

The two characters are struggling all through out the book. This brings out so much emotion because of it. You can really feel the struggle they are experiencing.  An example of this is, “In those first years the roads were peopled with refugees shrouded up in their clothing. Wearing masks and goggles, sitting in their rags by the side of the road like ruined aviators.”  The genre of the book is Post-Apocalyptic fiction.

The book has a few things that I don’t like though it is very one minded. What I mean is that there is only one tone. It is very dull in a sense, but I still love the story line it has. The story line or plot is very good. It has a good climax and very rising action figures. The resolution is also pretty good.

Cormac McCarthy has written Blood Meridian, No Country for Old Men, and many more. One thing about The Road is that you are always into it. It always keeps you going. I really love the book. 9/10!

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