Shattering Glass by Gail Giles | Teen Ink

Shattering Glass by Gail Giles

May 25, 2016
By Anonymous

Shattering Glass is a suspenseful and disturbing book by Gail Giles. This book is about high school drama, murder and a mystery at Bvale high school. The author made this book about a group of boys trying to make this lonesome boy that has no friends into something he is not. The boy’s name is Simon Glass. Glass sits at the lunch table every day with a paper lunch bag alone with noone to talk to.

Simon glass is a major time nerd, and everyone picks on him by knocking him over and kicking his class work around the hallway. Then Rob, Coop, Bob and Young come to Simon’s help by making him look, smell and boosting his confidence to a much higher level. Simon then goes from being an underdog to the alpha dog of his class.
In Shattering glass, there always has been a popular kid along with an unpopular kid. What the four boys did to Simon was a great thing,  but when they started being jerks to everyone, that was disrespectful. My favorite part of the book is when the boys are in a storage room and they helped Simon look better by changing some things he wore.

I recommend this book to anyone that likes a suspenseful, disturbing and especially to anyone that likes a plot twist in the story. This book had many plot twist and many changing events. I hope there is a second one coming soon.

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