The Genie of the Gem | Teen Ink

The Genie of the Gem

May 7, 2016
By AlwaysLucky BRONZE, New York City, New York
AlwaysLucky BRONZE, New York City, New York
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

There are many tales regarding genies. Some have nice, good-willed one, like the genie in Disney's Alladin. Others...well not so much. Bill Wiggins's fiction peice shows an example of the latter. His story has lots of tension, constantly drawing the reader in. The main character, Brendan, finds a purple gem, out of which a genie emerges. But this genie only has one goal: Getting rid of Brendan. The phrase, "Be careful what you wish for", fits perfectly into Brendan's situation. Bill Wiggans did really well in developing his characters' personality, tension, and creating a visual setting.

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