A Stranger In A Strange Land | Teen Ink

A Stranger In A Strange Land

April 16, 2016
By Anonymous

Robert Heinlein is often thought of as one of the greatest science fiction writers of all time. His most popular book; A Stranger in a Strange Land; created a counter cultural revolution. Which resulted in many cults built around his fictitious culture that challenges every axiom of society. *Note that this book was written in the 1960's when "free love" was widely accepted by the younger generations. It arguably influenced the "free love" movement and the "sexual revolution "in general.
Valentine Michael Smith (a.k.a. the Man from Mars) is heir to a considerable fortune from his Mother, Father, and actual father as well as the vast fortunes of each crewmember who was on the first expedition to Mars. In accordance to the Larkin Decision Mike is the sovereign ruler of Mars, having stayed the allotted years on Mars. Jill compares Mike to an angel. " He had old, wise eyes in a completely placid face, a face of unearthly innocence." He is a babe in the woods so to speak. He does not understand the concept of lying hitherto religion. He reads many holy books and realizes that the religions are incongruent. When brought to Earth he had never seen a woman. The doctors kept him isolated him from women in fear that a woman would be raped. Jill, a nurse weaseled her way into Mike's room out of great curiosity. When she converses with Mike she realizes that he has never seen a woman before. There Mike makes his first water brother. A water brother is someone who you pledge your life to and in a way is a form of love.
"Well? I look like a woman, don't I?" "I do not know," Smith answered slowly. "How does woman look? What makes you woman?
"Well, for pity's sake!" "You don't expect me to take off my clothes and show you!"
Mike carries this trait of innocence throughout the book.
Gillian (Jill) Boardman is Mike's first water brother. She sees that Mike is in danger and whisks him off to Ben Caxton's apartment. There Mike and she are nearly captured by the cops. Here the book shows Mike's special "abilities". Ben Caxton is an administration-baiting columnist who thinks that Mike is dispensable or kept in a hospital all his life. He and Jill conspire to spirit Mike to the safety of Jubal Harshaw (Heilein's alter ego), an eccentric billionaire who has the resources keep the Federation from catching up to him.
This takes place somewhere in the 1980's from Heinlein himself. Mike goes all over North America as he "grows up".
The Federation sent a four couples to Mars in hope of colonizing it. A message is received saying that Mars has been reached and landing will be attempted then no further word is sent. Due to political problems there is no a second expedition for twenty-five years. The Envoy is later sent to look for survivors from the first expedition. At first they do not find any survivors but later they radio in saying that there is one survivor, Valentine Michael Smith.
Mike is placed in a hospital because of the delicacy of his body and as a form of protective custody. He is important to science and the government as a wealthy heir to the first expedition and owner of Mars due to the Larkin Decision.
Ben Caxton believes that Mike is being held incommunicado because of his political importance. Jill Boardman, an acquaintance of Ben helps to kidnap Mike from the hospital into the wing of Jubal Harshaw. Jill first takes Mike to Ben's penthouse for help but to her surprise Ben has been kidnapped by Federation agents to locate Mike in a scandal for the power of Mars and his fortune. They are nearly caught by police but escape by Mike's amazing abilities.
Jill then goes to Jubal Harshaw. Harshaw is a lawyer, doctor, and writer of popular trash. Mike hangs out with Harshaw learning more about human culture and learning to be human. One day a group of squad cars come and try and put Mike, Jill, and a few others under arrest. Mike groks (groks means to so fully understand the essence of something that it becomes a part of you) wrongness in the squad cars and makes them cease to exist. He discovers sex through one of Jubal's secretaries.
This occurs once again about a year later. Federation agents come to capture Mike to seize his assets. Jubal in a desperate attempt brings this to the attention of Secretary General Douglas (the president of the world). Mr. Douglas then becomes in charge of Mike's assets.
Mike then decides to venture forth into the world of man to become one. He and Jill work as bartenders and strippers. While on this trip they go to a monkey house and Mike sees monkeys picking on each other and inadvertently groks humanity.
He then founds a new religion that has new concepts of sex, marriage, and law. Into the end of the book he becomes more of an outlaw as the founder of "The Church of All Worlds". It is based around the Nest, a place of free-flowing sex and nudity. Charles Manson used this bastard concept in his own family.
"I would never undertake to be a `Prophet,' handing out neatly packaged answers to lazy minds....anyone who takes that book as answers is cheating himself. It is an invitation to think--not to believe" ? Ager, Beth.
I myself think that this was a good read and is one of a few books that still gives you a rush. I still agree that this is just a beginning to a revelation that upturns society. It is only to old in the fact that time and are feats are now disproportionate.
The Fosterites, a new religion, bombs the Nest and tracks Mike's emergency Nest to a hotel. Their Mike performs martyrdom and discorporates (the ability to control when you die. ensuring your place in a universe that is supposed to be Heaven) in a pathetic attempt to beseech others of the Nest.

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