All The Rage by Courtney Summers | Teen Ink

All The Rage by Courtney Summers

April 1, 2016
By wolivia BRONZE, Monroe, Wisconsin
wolivia BRONZE, Monroe, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

All The Rage by Courtney Summers is full of suspense and describes a life of a teenage girl in high school. Romy, the main character, goes through some up and downs in high school with not having as many friends, being reserved, and having her alcoholic dad leave her and her mom. She struggles to find friends because she gets bullied and has had bad relationships in the past. Most of the girls at her school are fake and drama queens. As she goes through high school she decides to get a job that changes her life in many ways. She is introduced to Leon, another one of this book’s main characters. He dropped out of college to earn money to go back to school eventually and they both work at a little diner downtown. They start to become really good friends then it leads to more than friends. They spend a lot of time together and become really close. Romy actually starts to feel like she is starting to fit in.
At her high school there is an annual party at a cabin in the woods by a river. Romy wasn’t planning on going to it, but just as it was starting and she was at work, she leaves work abruptly and heads to the party. Even Leon wasn’t expecting her to go. The next morning she wakes up confused the next day and what happens at the party becomes a mystery we must solve. She didn’t really have any friends there with her at the party so the people there didn’t treat her with respect. As she drives to the police station in a cop car she is very confused and doesn’t know what’s going on until the police tell her. As she gets home and settles down she notices something disturbing written on her stomach that leads to how feminism plays a huge role in this book.
The author chose a unique way to capture feminism in this book by using subtle hints and clues as you read. Not many people realize what teenage girls face in high school and the role of being a woman with all of the expectations that come our way. And with this book, you get a good sense of women not being protected in their own society by the people surrounding them. In my opinion, this book is a unique way showing how feminism plays a role in high school and shows a good example of a girl in high school trying new things then learning from her experiences. I recommend this book to anyone who enjoys suspenseful stories and having to try and figure out what is going to happen next.


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