Holes by Louis Sachar | Teen Ink

Holes by Louis Sachar

March 14, 2016
By GKishanov329 BRONZE, Norridge, Illinois
GKishanov329 BRONZE, Norridge, Illinois
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                         “Holes” The Book for You

     The book Holes, by Louis Sachar, is probably the best book that I have ever read in my life, and I’m not saying this as a guy saying “Read this book it’s amazing!” and then you read it and it’s probably the worst book you read in your life. No, Holes is a book that everyone would love and would read multiple times.

     This book is a mystery and a true adventure at Camp Green Lake. In this book, one of the major problems of this story is that Stanley Yelnats, which is the main character of the story, “steals” something and is sentenced to stay at a camp called “Camp Green Lake.” Also, another crazy dilemma that happens in this story is that someone, NO SPOILERS, runs away from the camp into the desert without any water. A few of the major characters of the story is obviously Stanley Yelnats, which is the main character, Zero, one of Stanley’s best friends at Camp Green Lake, and The Warden, the big boss at the camp.

     This novel is in First Person Point of view. It is in Stanley’s perspective, in a desert, at Camp Green Lake. The author of Holes is Louis Sachar. Louis Sachar is a tremendous story writer. He uses figurative language, mood, and a lot of symbolism in this book. Sachar gives us lessons to learn like work helps you learn your lesson because if you make somebody work hard then while they're doing that task, they think of what they did wrong to get in their position. The author also gives us the characters mood to make the story better. For example, it was SOO hot in the desert where the “criminals” were working and in the story he tells us how dry Stanley’s tongue is and it shows us, readers, how the characters are feeling and how Stanley was struggling.

     I really liked this book. I read this book multiple times because every time I read it, there’s another reason why I like the book and something else that I found interesting about it. The way the story just made me not put the book down just amazed me because I just really don’t like reading. That being said by  a non reader it’s an amazing and suspenseful book. I honestly believe that the author did a great job and achieved the purpose of gettings a lesson through to us. The story actually went somewhere, unlike some authors that just leave you on your feet.
     Ultimately,  I really liked this because of how the author wrote the book because it was full of figurative language, good mood creating, and a lot of symbolism. I also liked this book because It was just constant action and problems that the characters had to solve. SO PLEASE READ HOLES!!!!

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