Wild From Lost to Found on the Pacific Crest Trail by Cheryl Strayed | Teen Ink

Wild From Lost to Found on the Pacific Crest Trail by Cheryl Strayed

March 3, 2016
By Marianaïs BRONZE, Yokohama, Other
Marianaïs BRONZE, Yokohama, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Book Review
  Wild by Cheryl Strayed

Loss is something that happens naturally, and is anticipating. Cheryl, an innocent girl thinks she had lost everything in life, including her mother who have just died of cancer, and her family, who were scattered. But she decides to make a life-changing journey, and walks through eleven-hundred miles from Pacific Crest trail from Mojave Desert through California and Oregon to Washington in the United States. But despite the fact that Cheryl had absolutely no experience of long-distance hiking, so this was a challenge for her, but just because of all the incidents happening, it didn’t mean that life was all bad to her.

I personally consider the book empathic; especially the fact where I have never experienced loss in my life so, this book makes me feel like I’m Cheryl, experiencing loss. After reading this book, it told me that no matter what obstacle tries to trip you from bringing back to smiling and proceeding in life, it’s good to keep dreaming and be conscious of where you’re going. Or else, you’ll get lost, and will miss the different opportunities and chances in life.

I recommend this book to people who enjoy reading books about how their life changed, and also heart-touching, and relatable stories. I personally am not a fan of heart-touching stories because in the end, it will make me flooded with tears, but when I read this book, it did cause some emotions on my face, but instead, it inspired me to challenge many things in life. And that’s what I’m proceeding to.

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