The Wolf Of Wallstreet by Jordan Belfort | Teen Ink

The Wolf Of Wallstreet by Jordan Belfort

January 28, 2016
By BlueBirdSunFire BRONZE, Davisburg, Michigan
BlueBirdSunFire BRONZE, Davisburg, Michigan
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   31 year old, Jordan Belfort has the story of a lifetime in his memoir The Wolf Of Wall Street. Belfort’s memoir covers his crazy drug filled antics as he runs one of the biggest stockbroking firms on Wall Street. Belfort is literally the living epitome of you only live once! Drugs, sex, embezzling, and a crazy wife. Just another day at the office for Jordan Belfort.

   Jordan’s memoir covers his wild ride through the world of Wall Street. Jordan  reveals how he started of in his field as a well mannered young man. After getting laid off from his first job at LF Rothschild Belfort found a way to make millions off selling penny stock to the rich. This leads to Belfort opening Stratton Oakmont, the wildest firm in Wall Street history. His memoir covers how money and power corrupt and his struggle to control his own life.

       Jordan’s memoir, like many others, is not without flaw. While the reader enjoys the adventures of Mr. Belfort , it’s hard not to get irritated by some of the repeated style us by Belfort when explaining things. The good, The Wolf Of Wall Street is amazing at making the reader feel as if they were Jordan Belfort with the amazing detail used by Belfort. Jordan uses almost all 5 senses to describe every new scenario which just pulls you deeper into the immersive story. However, The style Jordan uses to stress how lavish and expensive everything he owns is gets repetitive at the halfway point of the book. Besides that the way Belfort wrote his memoir is amazing and inspires me as a writer to try and make my work as immersive. The whole experience made it hard to put down the book with Belfort’s antics getting wilder and wilder as the story progressed. nd power can corrupt and Belfort's struggle to keep up and control his own life. 

     Jordan is all personality, you can see he has a lot of spunk and a giant ego. His personality literally seeps its way into his writing style. The following excerpt was taken from Belfort’s memoir, “ I was just sitting behind the controls of my twin engine Bell Jet, with enough drugs running through my circulatory system to sedate Guatemala.” -Pg.15. Belfort's writing style feels as if he was just speaking to the reader through the book. This style is unique and enhances the immersion into the story. Another excerpt “ Why do I say these things to you? I say them because I want you to know who I really am and, more importantly, who I’m not.” -Pg.12. That line alone shows that this writing style fits Belfort as not only a character in his book but a person that needs his story heard.  

     The Wolf Of Wall Street is a book even a light reader could enjoy. The high entertainment of Belfort’s life in the book will appeal to those who don’t like to read because it’s boring, to the veteran reader looking for something new to spice up their reading. That said, this memoir won’t appeal to everyone. Those who don’t have a strong tolerance for swearing, sex, and drugs will not enjoy this book at all. This memoir is recommended by me 5/5 stars to those who enjoy a good not so clean time. For those who like to keep it pg the recommendation is 3/5 stars) due to the situation and the shock that it really happened will still make you want to read, The Wolf Of Wall Street

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