The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger | Teen Ink

The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger

January 25, 2016
By _srlb_ BRONZE, Dededo, Other
_srlb_ BRONZE, Dededo, Other
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The Catcher in the Rye shares an adventure of 16-year-old, Holden Caulfield. Holden is not an average teen, he drops out of school and makes his way back home in New York. The story itself is told in first person perspective making everything seen in Holden's eyes. It gives the reader an idea of why Holden makes the decision he makes and the reader gets to read his thoughts and opinions as well. The overall concept of the book is told as a teenager that is finding himself and what his purpose is in life.

To some people, Holden may be considered "annoying" and "bratty" but you have to understand that the author tells it in a perspective of how some adults see teenagers. Media gives the impression to adults think that all teens are either dumbfounded, rebellious, or just no good in life. During this time, Holden is going through a rough time and is trying to find himself. In the story, he drinks alcohol, smokes, and gets influenced by others. The drinking of alcohol at that age is well-known to many adults. More than likely some teens start drinking at a younger age than Holden. For the smoking, there are some teens that smoke because it's considered "cool" or because everyone else is doing it. He gets influenced by others such as trying to have sex. Today's teens are influenced like that (some teens are not like that at all where they are not easily influenced while some are). Then again in the story, he "tries" to have sex, but in the end he doesn't.

The overall book itself is pretty good. Some readers may not like it while others like it. There is more to the story than just an annoying and bratty teenager. The story itself is about finding yourself and how the decisions in your life impact you. You have to read in between the lines to figure out why Holden is like that.

The author's comments:

I chose this book to do as my personal novel for class. I thought this book would be really boring and not suit my interest, but after finally reading the book it changed my whole perspective of it. Holden Caulfied is like any other average teenager in this generatiion. I, myself, am the total opposite of Holden. I don't drink, smoke, and I stay above the influence. In some way, I still relate to him in the story. You can't tell me that you don't beome whiny or bratty or however you describe Holden. You have to read in between the lines to understand the story. My favorite part while reading this book is when the tells the reader that he doesn't like movies. Mainly because he knows that movies are all planned out. Life isn't a movie where it's all planned out. Whatever happens, happens. I hope that you get a chance to read this book. It may relate to you or it may not.


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