The Cellar by Natasha Preston | Teen Ink

The Cellar by Natasha Preston

January 6, 2016
By Anonymous

The Cellar by Natasha Preston is a mysterious and suspenseful book. It all started when a girl name Summer did not listen to her parents and boyfriend telling her to not walk alone in the dark. A mysterious man named Clover appeared in the park and kidnapped her. Clover wanted a family of his own by kidnapping girls and naming them different types of flowers. But the “flowers” or the girls he kidnapped wanted to escape without getting killed. If they disobeyed Clover they would be killed.
I really enjoyed The Cellar by Natasha Preston. It kept me on the edge of my seat reading. What I really liked about this book is the amount of suspense the author used. As soon as I thought something or someone was going to get killed, something else happened. For example when Clover kidnapped Summer, I thought she would be the only one he kidnapped, but instead there were three other girls in his cellar whom he had also kidnapped. I would definitely recommend this book if you are interested in reading it.


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