The Cellar by Natasha Preston | Teen Ink

The Cellar by Natasha Preston

January 6, 2016
By noor.amin BRONZE, Bridgewater, New Jersey
noor.amin BRONZE, Bridgewater, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Have you ever had a time in your life where everything has just gone wrong and you have no faith of ever getting out of what you're going through? From some people this stage is only for a couple weeks, but in the book The Cellar this goes on for years.The book The Cellar is by Natasha Preston.Summer is looking for her friend when a man approaches her. He asks her “Lily?” in response Summer responded “No sorry,I’m not Lily.” Then he says “No.You are Lily.” The man's name is Clover.The day Summer went missing was the day she met Clover.Clover not only kidnaped Summer but three other girls.He forced them to change their names to flowers.They was  Poppy,Violet,Rose,and Lily.Clover wanted to have the perfect family.He always said,these girls were his perfect pure flowers.Clover took Summer to where he was keeping the rest of the girls.He took them into his  cellar.That is why the book is called The Cellar,because part of the story takes place in Clover’s cellar.She soons learns that this is her life.She goes through a period of time in her life thinking they will never get out and this is where she will die. The question is will Summer and the girls ever get out?

I really like the book The Cellar but there was a part that I did not love.There were many things I  liked about the book.I liked how the story was based on many people point of view and not just Summer’s,it was tolled by three people.Summer,she told what was happening to her,how she was feeling,and also what was happening to the girl and what was happening in the cellar.Next,it was told by Lewis,the boyfriend.He told his perspective and what he was doing but he was also talking about Summer’s family and how they were dealing with everything.And last, Clover.We learned about why he was killing and kidnaping girls,we also learned the people in his life and his backstory.The next thing I like about the story was the suspense and the adventure. I loved not knowing what would happen and trying to figure out who would die next and I just like the mystery.But I did not like the ending because in the end it did not give as ,much info as I would like it to.For example in chapter 34 it talked about where Clover was but it did not talk about how he was doing or when he would get out.Even though I was not so found about the end I enjoyed the book. If you love adventure and mystery I recommend this book for you!

The author's comments:

This is a good book. 

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