Narnia | Teen Ink


October 29, 2015
By calebsil80 BRONZE, Portland, Oregon
calebsil80 BRONZE, Portland, Oregon
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Edmund and Lucy (also with their annoying cousin, Eustace) travel into a painting of the ocean and find themselves on the high seas, aboard the Dawn Treader, on one last quest to relocate the remaining 7 swords from the reign of Caspian IX and, in doing so, reach the end of their world.


The voyage of the dawn treader is the last adventure for the Pevensie family and first time for young unconvinced Eustace Clarence. This is the 5th book and last to have the cherished pevensie children. Many people don't like this decision by C.S. Lewis and how she takes away these characters. But my opinion I think it's interesting because it's always changing and the way she related her series as almost a mirror to our society today just in a clearer picture. one of those clear themes i think is exploration throughout the story, Edmund, lucy and Eustace are always on some quest discovering the end of narnia.

My overall thought on the book was pleasant, i liked the adventure part of the book. there was a lot of conflicts throughout the story keeping you on your toes therefore remaining to contain excitement and not bore out the reader. In my opinion i would recommend reading this if you're not too interested in books or if you are but it will grab your attention.

The author's comments:

i had an assignment in class to write a book review and the inspiration just begun from there.....

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