Just one day by Gayle Foreman | Teen Ink

Just one day by Gayle Foreman

October 26, 2015
By Anonymous

This is a profound story of how teens don’t know their true identity until they have experienced life. Any experience can change your perspective and attitude towards life in a whole new way, or even to a new world that we thought never existed. Just One Day by Gayle Forman is about a girl named Allison who goes on a European tour with her best friend Melanie after graduation. Allison is the type of girl who always follows by the rules and never gives in to Melanie’s peer pressure to “let loose” But while in Europe Allison meets a boy named William who asks her to go to paris with her, and when she surprisingly says yes Allison has no idea what she got herself into. 
If you are into romance and mystery novels i would recommend this book because it hooks the reader into problems that may happen in our lives. Foreman does a great job at expressing Allison's emotions while she not only goes through the journey of a new place with a new guy, but finding out who she really is as well. She is fearful but at the same time hopeful that something great may come out of this journey but all could also go terribly wrong.
Willlem has never had a strong relationship with his mother, like a lot of us we may not get along with our parents but this boy has been lost about life for quite awhile. When he says “I take care of me.”This surprises Allison because she has never thought of herself without her mother being around even though she may drive her nuts with the constant calling and annoyance. Willem’s relationship with his mother is a great connection to the reader that this is a huge factor to finding oneself. Parents are suppose to be there to guide you into success. When one isn’t there we could lead ourselves into the wrong direction and make many mistakes that could’ve been prevented.
After being on this incredible journey in Paris Allison learns a lot about herself especially when she changes her name to Lulu, as she tells Willem and later on realizes ““Part of me knows one more day won't do anything except postpone the heartbreak. But another part of me believes differently. We are born in one day. We die in one day. We can change in one day. And we can fall in love in one day. Anything can happen in just one day.” She realizes that we should never waste a day in our lives when we aren't’ happy and don’t feel like the person that we’re set out to be may not be what gives you a good life. No matter which circumstance it is that is should never stop someone from living a life that they would be proud to leave. 

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