Wonder by P.j. Palermo | Teen Ink

Wonder by P.j. Palermo

September 10, 2015
By HannahKeeling BRONZE, Charleston, West Virginia
HannahKeeling BRONZE, Charleston, West Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
You be you.

     First I'm going to talk about why I gave this book only three stars. Honestly i did not like the book wonder. You know how in a lot of books you wonder about what is going to happen. I never wonder at all what was going to happen. Because, I would always know what would happen next. but, it did always have the pages turning. In general it was a great book. It did make me wonder what id would be like to be like August.

     Wonder is a story about a ten year old kid named August. Who has many rare deceases that make his facial features not normal. He thinks his ears are the worst. Since i don't judge people by there looks. i didn't understand why all the kids made fun of him. After years of being homeschooled by his mom. He finally goes to a public school in fifth grade where problems occur.

     This is book is by a wonderful author who has made more books about this book ironic right. But, the different kinds of perspectives like it has in the original. "The biggest page turner I've ever read!" Misty keeling said. Lots of other people agree that this book is a great book made by a great author.   

     The reason why I didn't put the 2 stars was because, luckily I predicted most of the book witch didn't make it that interesting. But, overall it was a great book, and I would recommend it to children mostly in the 7th or 8th grade. It was a astonishing book.

The author's comments:

I was inspired by the book obviously 

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