The Help by Kathryn Stockett | Teen Ink

The Help by Kathryn Stockett

September 9, 2015
By cooks206 BRONZE, South Charleston, West Virginia
cooks206 BRONZE, South Charleston, West Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

    This is definitely one of the best books I have ever read. It was full of emotion and detail on each page. This story will have you laughing and crying in some points. You will get so evolved with each character it almost seems like you are right there with them. Kathryn Stockett did an amazing job on this book.
   Skeeter a white women that had just graduated college now wants to live out her dream and be a writer. She applies for a job and is rejected because of her inexperience, she now applies for a job writing a column about house cleaning. She has no idea about house cleaning because as a white women in Jackson, Mississippi she grew up with a maid. Now she has to ask an old friend's maid if she can help so Skeeter won't lose her job. This is very dangerous for her and the other maid. Now that Skeeter knows how bad they are treated she wants to write a book to change the way people think and to get a job in New York. The problem is this idea is so extraordinary it's hard to get the maids to participate. Eventually the stories grow and more people join, because of problems and laws the high society white women try to make, but they are determined to finish this book no matter what the consequences are.
    This book is great. The detail and emotions each character gives off is amazing and well thought out. It made me think about what life was like for both races during that time. I'm wishing that it's true and some points I'm wishing that it isn't because of the horrible things Miss Hilly does. Overall it's funny and heart gripping and then there's the grief you may feel later in the end.
    Many people don't realize how fortunate we are today not looking over our shoulder because of the color your skin is. "The Help" shows how everyone should work together and treat others better than we want to be treated. Take this book into consideration if you need something to read.

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