Wonder by | Teen Ink

Wonder by

September 9, 2015
By JamsFootball10 BRONZE, Charleston, West Virginia
JamsFootball10 BRONZE, Charleston, West Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I hated every minute of training, but I said, 'Don't quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion.'

Ill be honest I'm not much of a reader, It bores me really quick. Going into this book I really didn't have a positive attitude about it. It was something I had to read, Not something I wanted to read. It really has payed off in the end. It was a great story, that keeps you interested from page one to the very last word.
Wonder is about a kid named august. August has a facial deformity that prevents him from going to school, so he has been homeschooled his whole life. He gets bullied by classmates, betrayed by his only friend, and even gets beat up. Every makes fun of him and avoids him. HIs best friend jack is finally his friend again and he even wins the courageous award at the end of the year. He goes from being bullied to getting a standing ovation.
I thought the book was overall an amazing read. It will make you laugh one page and cry the next. The only thing that I think is wrong with it,is that it's' somewhat predictable. i don't want to say cliche, but there where some parts where I saw it coming from a mile away.
I would definitely recommend this to children from fourth grade and up. It will teach them to not judge a book by it's cover, which i made the mistake of before I read it. The cover art couldn't of been more accurate. This is one of those books you read to your kids at night. I found myself reading myself to sleep. I would often continue reading for hours that zoomed by before my eyes. You feel bad for the main character so you continue to read to figure out what happens. It's funny how that works.

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