Wonder by R.j palrmo | Teen Ink

Wonder by R.j palrmo

September 9, 2015
By Thatperson12345 BRONZE, Charleston, West Virginia
Thatperson12345 BRONZE, Charleston, West Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Life's a garden dig it.

A good book
Wonder is a good book.that has a lot of inspiration for people that are different. that they shouldn't back down just because they are different. And that they shouldn't feel bad for themselves.
wonder is about a boy named august that was born with a facial deformation. August had never been to a real school he has always been home schooled. but that all changed one day his mom and dad wanted him to go to a school.
This book does a very good job of what it is supposed to do. It shows how hard it would be to be born with a deformity. And how hard it would be to adjust to a different environment then what you are use to. And it shows how hard life can be sometimes. and that some are luckier then others
Overall I thought it was a good book. I gave it a four out of five stars because it wasn't my favorite book. But I would suggest it to people of all ages. And it is a book that you would probably read again.

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