An Abundance of Katherines by John Green | Teen Ink

An Abundance of Katherines by John Green

September 9, 2015
By Anonymous

Have you ever read any books by John Green? In "An Abundance of Katherine's" by John Green, Green teaches teens that it's better to be themselves, and show teens how important it is to have love, and friendship. Although Green doesn't use disease or death, like in some of his other books, he does show the struggle a teen boy has finding love, friendship, and a life outside of being smart.
In "An Abundance Of Katherine's" by John Green, Colin Singleton gets broken up with by the nineteenth girl named Katherine. To cheer him up, he goes on a road trip with his best friend, Hassan. They end up in a town called Gutshot, Tennessee, where they meet a girl named Lindsey, and are offered jobs. Colin, and Hassan decide to spend their summer in Gutshot, which ends up having a huge effect on everyone's lives.
This is a must read for teens who like math or complicated books. Although "An Abundance Of Katherine's" ended up being a good book, it wasn't Greens best work. I would definitely recommend for teens to read this book, because if you can get to the second half of the book, there are all kinds of different problems that make it hard to put the book down.
  If you haven't already read a book by John Green, "An Abundance Of Katherine's" would be a good one to start with. In this book, three mostly different people with three completely different problems form a friendship, and help each other work through their problems. There's Colin, who has to get through heartache, then there's Lindsey, who has to learn to be herself, and finally there is Hassan, who has to learn to take responsibility for what he does. Over all, you should be able to relate to some of the characters issues, and the ways they solve them.

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