The Diary of Anne Frank by Anne Frank | Teen Ink

The Diary of Anne Frank by Anne Frank

September 9, 2015
By BRONZE, Charleston, West Virginia BRONZE, Charleston, West Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The Diary of Anne Frank was great book to read. It really gets you thinking and it stays with you for a while, kind of like a good movie does. Although it was a good book, and one of my favorites at that, it was still really slow and hard to really get in to. This is the reason I didn't give it five stars. In other words, it takes a lot of patience to get in to this book, and I really don't have any patience.

The Diary of Anne Frank starts off with Anne talking about things in her everyday life. She is just basically writing her thoughts in her diary which she got for her birthday. This is the really slow and boring part of the book. It is quite uneventful. The Franks are a jewish family living in nazi-occupied Holland during WWII. We know at the beginning that this is already bad news for the Franks.

As the book progresses, Anne's sister Margot is captured and arrested. This acts as a warning for the Franks, so they go into hiding. The Franks hide in a series of secret rooms in her fathers office behind a revolving bookcase called the "Secret Annex." The Franks hide as well as The Van Daan family and and old man named Mr. Dussel. This is where the rest of the book takes place with other events such as Anne befriending Peter Van Daan, and the nazis almost finding them several times. At the end of the book, the franks are eventually captured and sent off to various concentration camps.

My evaluation of the book is that it was rather slow, but it ended up making it to my list of favorites anyways. Also, I don't like that most of the book takes place in one area. I mean, I know it is a diary and the Franks are trying to hide from the nazis, but still, it would be a lot better if the Franks had moved around a little bit.

In conclusion, The Diary of Anne Frank was a slow but really good book with several suspenseful moments, but with long, boring cool down periods in between. It was very interesting.


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