The Help by Kathryn Stockett | Teen Ink

The Help by Kathryn Stockett

September 9, 2015
By a.bowe BRONZE, Charleston, West Virginia
a.bowe BRONZE, Charleston, West Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
The right pair of shoes can change a person's life, just ask Cinderella.

An inspiring novel that sings a sweet song of hope! One of the best books by far to be read by all. This book will keep you guessing every step of the way! In the end you are left pondering about if everyone really all that different or same.
Set in 1962 Jackson, Mississippi, this book is told through third person point of view by Skeeter, Aibileen, and Minny. Skeeter has just come home from college discovering that her maid has gone missing without a trace. Aibileen works hard as a black maid taking care of her employee's daughter while also mourning over her own son's death. These two women are a lot alike and change very much throughout the story and hardships that come along1 Finally is my favorite character, Minny a black maid who is always getting fired for he sassy mouth. Soon Skeeter introduces a plan to the New York publishing company to write a book about black maid's lives. Throughout al the social events an parties these three go on an adventure and create bonds people thought unimaginable. There is heartbreak and blackmail with discreet secrets. However, they take the exhilarating experience and the outcome is refreshing!
The characters and set seemed to come around me! Stockett had a phenomenal way of writing that took you back to the 1960's. I fell in love with the character's attitudes and personalties, especially the main characters. Minny was my favorite, because even tough she had a feisty attitude she was still best friends with Aibileen and kept up with her children. If Kathryn Stockett were to write another book you could definitely fine me on preorder.
This definite sweet song of hope is a page turner and you won't be able to put it down! All the secrets and plot twists will keep you on the edge of your seat and you will seem to be holding your breath at times. In the end you will find yourself reviewing the carefully drawn lines between whites and blacks.

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