Paper Towns | Teen Ink

Paper Towns

August 20, 2015
By EmaliOrtega7 BRONZE, Thornton, Colorado
EmaliOrtega7 BRONZE, Thornton, Colorado
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Paper Towns is written by John Green, an author who wrote countless and significant novels about love, mystery, adventure, and suspense. In this novel one of the main characters Quentin falls in love with Margo, an extremely popular and mysterious girl. Quentin "Q" Jacobson is sent on an adventure to go find Margo after disappearing the next day when they both pulled pranks  on their enemies and almost got arrested. Paper Towns is told by ''Q's" perspective as he gets ready to graduate High School in Orlando, Florida in present time.

Quentin is dragged on a late night adventure by his neighbor and crush Margo a few weeks before their senior graduation. They spend a thrilling night full of pranks she planned to pull on her ex-friends and ex-boyfriend. Q is anxious to follow her at first but then soon realizes that he loves her. After a night full of breaking the law they go back to their houses before their parents wake up. Q couldn’t sleep that night, his head was running wild of what was going to happen at school the next day. Margo didn’t show up for days and school wasn’t the same anymore. She ran away on an other adventure. This is my favorite part of the book because that’s when Q finds clues left by Margo. These clues are going to lead Q and his friends to Margo and a thrilling experience that they will never forget.

This book really keeps the readers intrigued because I gets more mysterious by the chapter.Everytime Q finds another clue the book gets more interesting and it gets harder for me to leave the book. It is very interesting because you don’t expect the ending. This was one of my favorite books because the meaning behind was great and empowering."What is the point of being alive if you don’t at least try to do something remarkable?" This is my favorite quote from the book because it has truth and meaning behind it.

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