The Devil You Know by Trish Doller | Teen Ink

The Devil You Know by Trish Doller

July 6, 2015
By Lolo_Musician13 GOLD, Glen Ellyn, Illinois
Lolo_Musician13 GOLD, Glen Ellyn, Illinois
17 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Color outside the lines."

Imagine being cooped up in your house caring for your family for years, craving an exciting adventure, and one day being asked by a couple of cute strangers if you and a riend wanted to accompany them on a road trip. Would you accept their invitation? In Trish Doller's the Devil You Know, protagonist Cadie Wells is pulled into a whirlwind of excitment and adventure as she and a friend accompany two cousins on a trip consisting of driving and canoeing.  But just as things seem to be getting fun, Cadie finds herself in the middle of a mind-twisting Whodunnit, and is soon to find that one of the people she trusts the most is not who they say they are. Set in the presnet, The Devil You Know starts off as an innocent story, but grows more intruiging and mysterious as the story moves along. With just enough twists and turns to create a mind-bending mystery, this book will put you on the edge of your seat and keep you there past the final page. What I really enjoyed about this book is how just when you think you have figured out who to point a finger at, a new piece of information surfaces, throwing everything you thought you knew off, and you find yourself back at the beginning, thinking to yourself, "So who really did it?" The one dissapointing thing in this book is that the ending leaves a few questions unanswered, but theose questions are very minor to the story. Overall I really enjoyed this book and the plot behind it. But beware; Once you pick this book up,you will keep reading until you have turned the last page.


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