Columbine by Dave Cullen | Teen Ink

Columbine by Dave Cullen

May 21, 2015
By Bond,JamesBond BRONZE, Littleton, Colorado
Bond,JamesBond BRONZE, Littleton, Colorado
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Let’s start off with the simple answer; Columbine by Dave Cullen is one of the best nonfiction books out there. Cullen breaks down the Columbine Massacre from the downward spiral of Eric and Dylan to the many years after the incident. He talks about what actually happened that day and how bad the media is at reporting the situation. He breaks our hearts with the amazing recovery stories and the stories of the victims.
Dave Cullen talks about how Eric and Dylan spent years planning NBK (Natural Born Killers as they called the massacre). He talks about the many hints that the boys made and what their actual plan was. Cullen researched every piece of information for ten years. He was able to decipher the confused information given by the distraught students. He was able to bust the many myths such as there being more than two shooters or that they were targeting jocks. He tells us all every tiny piece of information about a bombing that ended up turning into a shooting.
This book steals and keeps your attention with its incredibly descriptive 3rd person view. This book never loses your attention even though it seems like it would because of how much information is in it. This book was personally one of the most interesting books I have ever read. It is one of the many bricks that helped form this amazing community I live in. It will teach everyone not just the people whom live near the school. You will learn every small detail from when the boys started high school to years later when Patrick was able to walk again and got married.
In conclusion Columbine is a heart-breaking, breath-taking, tear-jerking melody of the incident with amazing side stories. You will learn so much and will never get bored because Dave Cullen is one of the best writers of all time. A must read for everybody.

The author's comments:

I have recently read this book and I loved it. I think that every one should read it.


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