Where'd You Go Bernadette by Maria Semple | Teen Ink

Where'd You Go Bernadette by Maria Semple

April 23, 2015
By Anonymous

Where’d you go Bernadette by Maria Semple is very different than most novels. For any inexperienced reader this novel might be over whelming and too confusing to follow. The book starts off with a letter to a random character that has no significance to the story. Off the bat you’re confused with what type of story this book is going to be. Than you realize the whole novel is just useless letters about people gossiping about one other. Causing even more confusion because no plot or story line is creative by Maria. Because this book has no story line to follow, it causes readers to constantly go back and read over chapters to try to figure out what’s going on. This writing style makes it extremely hard to make a connection with any character. And most importantly makes you extremely irritated.
As a reader, when I pick out a book I look for qualities beyond just amusing or comical which even thought  this book is considered a comedy it has neither if you were wondering. I look for a book that can give me some sort of positive outlook or advice towards my world. This book has none. Where’d you go Benadette has no deep beauty or underlining truth for you. This book does not show what true good is in the world, rather the exact opposite. All the characters do is gossip about one another and talk about how much they despise this person or that person. This book bolds and outlines the evil in the world. The high school drama everyone experiences. This was one of the worst books I have ever read. And if I didn’t waste 11.99$ on this book I would through it away. Don’t waste your time reading it, you will regret it.

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