The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien | Teen Ink

The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien

March 24, 2015
By APEzreaI BRONZE, Monongah, West Virginia
APEzreaI BRONZE, Monongah, West Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"You belong in a museum!"

Bilbo Baggins was a peaceful hobbit who lived an undisturbed life until Gandalf made an appearance with Thorn & Co. They propose a quest to retake their home from Smaug and Bilbo’s job is to be their burglar. At first, Bilbo did not agree to this idea however his slumbering adventurous side woke up within him. His Tookish spirit encouraged him to set out across the world of Middle Earth with the band of dwarves.
     After leaving with the dwarves and without a handkerchief, they come across Mirkwood elves, spiders, and wolves who showed no mercy. It was within these events where Bilbo found a special, stolen object that made him the most valuable in the group. Will Bilbo be able to stand up to a Smaug?

     If you’re the type who likes a story about adventure and fantasy with a hint of action, then The Hobbit is definitely the book for you. Aside from Bilbo wanting the contrary of an adventurous life, he intends to take you through it all. His adventure will catch your attention as soon as you read the first few paragraphs.

     Personally, I loved this book. Not only is it touched with all the elements of fantasy and wonderful character development, but it’s also a part of Tolkien’s enchanting mind. As I read Bilbo’s opinions and his snarky remarks, I grew to love Bilbo just as I did the book. If you’re ever bored or if you just need something to read, I would definitely recommend The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien.

The author's comments:

My class read The Hobbit throughout the 3rd quarter and I enjoyed it.

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