Maximum Ride: The Angel Experiment by James Patterson | Teen Ink

Maximum Ride: The Angel Experiment by James Patterson

January 17, 2009
By Miranda Anderson SILVER, Redmond, Washington
Miranda Anderson SILVER, Redmond, Washington
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Maximum Ride: The Angel Experiment by James Patterson is a gripping book about six Avian Human hybrids who escaped from an evil science lab called the School. These six kids, Max who is 14, Fang who is 14, Iggy who is 14, Nudge who is 11, Gasman or Gazzy who is 8, and Angel who is 6, are beyond ordinary. They all have wings and can fly and Angel can read minds. These kids have never gone to actual school but are smart when it comes to fighting. Erasers, which are wolf human hybrids, were hired to capture the youngest of the flock. When Angel is captured, the rest of the flock goes on a quest to retrieve her. They run into several problems on the way while discovering there own special powers.

It’s the first in a series of 4. It’s Narrated by Max, the leader of the flock who has quite a lot to say. Her sarcastic personality will remind you of yourself or somebody else you know. You won't be able to set it down until you reach the back cover. Chapters are very short but interesting none the less.

This book shows the flock who had just gotten out of the school two years ago being ambushed while picking strawberries. After a huge fight and Max seeing a little boy that had used to follow her around everywhere turned into a full grown eraser, Angel is captured. Max makes the hard decision to leave Iggy and Gazzy behind while her, Nudge and Fang go to find her. Iggy is blind and Max didn’t want to have to look out for him during the fights and Gazzy is too young. So they stay home and look out for Erasers there.

Maximum Ride the Angel Experiment was the first and only book I have ever read over and over again that never gets old. This book is an eleven on a scale of ten on the greatness level. I promise you this book will be the best thing you will ever read.


This article has 2 comments.

on Oct. 14 2011 at 7:15 am
I also loved this book to be exact i had to do a book review an this at school this is great! good job =3

Vexa said...
on Jan. 31 2009 at 3:12 pm
i love this book, too! XD i was looking for a story review for a book i liked other than Twilight, since there's so many of those. that was a great review, also! love Max! (i can never decide between Max, Nudge or Fang as my favorite. XD)