Breaking Night by Liz Murray | Teen Ink

Breaking Night by Liz Murray

January 7, 2015
By Dark_Nebula BRONZE, Ashford, Connecticut
Dark_Nebula BRONZE, Ashford, Connecticut
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Breaking Night is an autobiography about Elizabeth Murray the author. Liz Murray came from a poor family and her parents used cocaine and drank alcohol. She was the youngest member of her family. As a child, Liz was ridiculed in school because she had lice. Later in her youth, she had a small group of friends and found it difficult to trust people outside of that group. In high school, she wrote an essay to a news company, who published it, and gave her a scholarship to use towards a good college. After the publication, many people came forward offering money, clothes, and other neccesities to Liz. From that point forward, she began to see her life change for the better.

I enjoyed reading this book. While it was depressing at times, i did find it to be sophisticated and joyous as well. Elizabeth never really knew her parents too well. Despite this, she still tries to live her life to the fullest.

I would reccomend this book if you are doing a school project or would like to know what the authors life was like 20 years ago.

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