Jumbo by Paul Chambers | Teen Ink

Jumbo by Paul Chambers

December 12, 2014
By StefanieW BRONZE, North Oxford, Massachusetts
StefanieW BRONZE, North Oxford, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Have you ever wondered what life is like for the animals in zoos or circuses? Jumbo by Paul Chambers vividly describes what happens behind the scenes in such animal places. Jumbo, set in the late 1800s in both Europe and North America, is an in-depth memoir about animals in captivity and supports the idea that animals in captivity revealing then prevalent abuse.
Jumbo, an African elephant, is captured and brought to live in various European zoos. Matthew Scott, his keeper, and Jumbo form an irreplaceable bond that would last throughout many adventures and over many years. This novel reveals the struggles and relationships of both animal and man.
Matthew Scott is undoubtedly committed to Jumbo’s well being, revealed when Scott declared that “he, and he alone, could save Jumbo’s life” (86). Jumbo’s character is endearing, so one could understand why Scott felt the need to protect him as much as he did.
Barnum, the circus owner who purchased Jumbo in America, however, did not feel the need to protect Jumbo. He lacked compassion and said, “the show must go on” (204), which supports the fact that he believes that his show comes first, not the animals.
The conflict in Jumbo is the horrible treatment the poor animal has to endure, although Scott was able to comfort him. Scott supporting Jumbo also went along with the themes of this novel, which are that animals and humans can have strong bonds and that animals have feelings.Scott devoted his life to Jumbo and in return Jumbo protected Scott. This is divulged when Scott declares, “He repaid me for all my suffering he ever caused me by saving my life” (186).
Jumbo tells the unique story of Jumbo and Scott, his handler then friend, very well and many types of people could enjoy this book. Jumbo’s story of survival while being in such harsh conditions is inspiring and can be applied to any type of struggle that one is facing. Whether one would like to know about what goes on behind the scenes, or is just curious about this elephant, Jumbo’s story is sure to engulf anyone who reads his story and make sure that they will never forget him.


This article has 1 comment.

mommy10605 said...
on Dec. 14 2014 at 3:58 am
Stefanie you did a great job writting this ! Im proud of you , an also proud to have you as my sister ! You are a very talented young lady that is for sure going places in life ! The world is your oyster what you do with it will be your choice !